Amazingly, I acquired all of this gear using the Legendary Selling Blueprint that is a big part of this gold guide. Make no mistake, legendaries are the ultimate way to make gold in Diablo 3. As in $50 a night when the going gets good. I make so much gold and dollars from legendaries (including crafted set items) that I don't even need to pick up rares any more while playing.
Literally no one else on the internet can match this legendary selling guide. Mostly because nobody in their right mind would ever give up one of these legendary or set markets, let alone ALL OF THEM. Yet here I am, trading your purchase of this product for the money I would have made keeping it a secret to myself. I've done all the research, all you have to do is plug in a few numbers and flip with confidence that you're making the right play every single time. No more second guessing or watching 20 auctions come back unsold each day. Things are going to turn around for you in a big way the moment you start reading this guide.
To make gold and money in this game, nothing can compare to selling legendaries on the auction house. If you are wasting time focusing entirely on rares then you are definitely "doing it wrong." My gaming career changed greatly once I made the switch to exclusively selling legendaries and set items. They have more visibility than rares and far more cool effects thanks to patch 1.0.4. But that doesn't mean the legacy items are bad, as they too are covered in the guide. Several are worth literally hundreds of millions of gold if you can find them.
Legendary items aren't the only items you'll be selling with...
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